Japan Internet, Speed up to 32 Billion Kbps


A new optical technology is being tested in Japan. Dahsyatnya, technology is able to achieve speeds 30 Terabit per second (Tbps), or more than 32 billion Kbps. (32,212,254,720 right Kbps, based on the conversion via Google)

Testing was done by KDDI R & D Labs with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan. Tested technology that utilizes OFDM transmission alias called orthogonal frequency division multiplex.

Simply a comparison, the speed internet connection at this time is far - very far - from that achieved in the trial. Speed of 500 kilobit per second (Kbps), for example, has included the use of normal tolerable for day-to-day. While the average speed of the internet in the world, based on the data end in 2008, is 1.5 Mbps or 1500 Kbps.

Nah, 30 Terabit per second is approximately equivalent to 32 billion kilobit per second. With speeds like this, per second of data able to be sent to reach 3.9 million MB, or almost 1000 pieces DVD movies per second.

As quoted from the Nikkei detikINET, Thursday (30/7/2009), testing is done on the distance of 240 kilometers, this means not just testing range. KDDI plans akan commercialize this technology in 2012.

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