Finally! Released Intel Xeon 5500 and 3500


Intel has launched its first Xeon chip based on Nehalem. Chip design itself is for servers and workstations that are expected to bring increased performance and power efficiency for the Xeon platform. Chip Xeon 5500 series, created for the dual-socket system, while the Xeon 3500 chip's target segment single socket systems (Nehalem EP / efficient performance).

Slightly drawn back, for desktop Nehalem processors have been launched years ago with the name mengusung Core i7, Nehalem, while for the server socket membekal four or more released this year. Intel revealed that the increase in both Xeon performance platform gress intended to replace the old server Nine single system with the Nehalem.

Nehalem systems consume 20 percent of energy and combined with some server with speed 25 Gbit / s, as expressed by Gordon Haff (head of IT analyst company Iluminata). Nehalem EP system can support DDR3 memory and 144 GB memory controller support up to 1333 Mhz. Hyper-Threading technology, Intel can make each processor core capable of handling the same task two.

Other features is Nehalem Turbo Boost, which can help the maximum use of processor. If the operating system asks for more performance, and the chip is in high summer, the feature can boost clock speed for each processor core. Intel Flex Migration feature will also make it easier to migrate virtual machines between servers based Nehalem chip and Intel.

Chip Intel Xeon 5500 Series will have a clock speed 3.2 GHz to 1.86 GHz, with four bands (130W, 95W, 80W and 60W). While the chip for single-socket Xeon 3500 has a 3.2GHz clock speed, 2.93GHz and 2.66GHz, the band in 130W.

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